Ian Mackinlay Architecture, Inc. ICBO
Report ER-5857 — 40-Minute Finish-Rated Ceiling Assembly.
Flood, Richard S. “Remedial Repair
Leak Prevention in Porous, Stone Faced, Precast Panels - A Case
Study Option,” Water Leakage Through Building Facades,
ASTM STP 1314, R.J. Kudder and J. L. Erdly, eds., American Society
of Testing and Materials, 1998. |
Nutter, Chris “Infrared Thermography: Use in intrusive investigations.” |
"Snow Distribution on Complex Roofs"
by Ian Mackinlay FAIA and Richard S. Flood AIA/CSI
Presented at the Fifth International Conference on Snow Engineering, Davos Switzerland, July 2004.
"Architectural Design in Regions of
Snow and Cold"
by Ian Mackinlay
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Snow Engineering,
Santa Barbara, California, July 1988. |
"Building in the Deep Snow Country"
by Ian Mackinlay Delivered at the Architect-Researchers
Conference, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, October 1967. |
"The Impact of Ice Dams in Snow Country"
by Ian Mackinlay and Richard S. Flood Proceedings
of the Third International Conference on Snow Engineering, Sendai, Japan,
May 1996. |
Neglected Hazards of Snow and Cold"
by Ian Mackinlay
AIA Journal (The American Institute of Architects), February 1983. |
Design in Regions of Snow and Cold"
by Ian Mackinlay, Richard S. Flood, and Anke Heidrich
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Snow Engineering,
Trondheim, Norway, June 2000. |
"Roof Slopes, Ice Dams, and Cold Roofs"
by Ian Mackinlay and Richard S. Flood The
Construction Specifier (The Construction Specifications Institute),
January 2000. |
"Roof/Snow/Ice Loads at North-Facing
Roof Eaves Compared to Ground Snow Load: Proposed Testing"
by Ian Mackinlay and Richard S. Flood Proceedings
of the Second International Conference on Snow Engineering, Santa Barbara,
California, June 1992 |
"Schuss Architecture-Linear Plan
California Style"
by Ian Mackinlay Progressive Architecture,
July 1967. |
"Snow Country Design"
by Ian Mackinlay and W.E. Willis, MWM Architects, Oakland,
California. 1969.
(Research and publication were supported by a
grant from the National Endowment for the Arts.) |
For further information, please contact
us. |